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Int 10 Fn 6F02  - Video - HP Vectra Extended BIOS - Set Monitor Info       [V]

   AX = 6F02h
   BL = new value for extended control register (see below)

Return: nothing

Notes: this function is only valid when an HP MultiMode Video Display Adapter
     is installed
   the Extended Control register is at I/O address 3DDh

See Also: AX=6F01h,AX=6F03h

Bitfields for extended control register:
 bit 0 screen resolution (0 = 200 lines, 1 = 400 lines)
 bit 1 underline enable (if set, 'blue' bit of fg color = underl)
 bit 2 font (0 = Standard-8, 1 = HP-Roman-8)
 bit 3 memory disabled for CPU access
 bit 4 allow access to full 32K memory instead of wrapping at 16K
 bit 5 select second 16K page instead of first
 bits 6,7 unused

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